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Our Mission

The mission of CCDS is to promote the knowledge, cultivation, and interest in dahlias throughout the Central Carolina area.

Richards Flowers.jpg

Photo by Richard Deheck

About CCDS

The Central Carolina Dahlia Society was founded in July of 2021 for the purpose of increasing developing interest in dahlias. We accomplish this through meetings and public programs.  Meetings include programs about dahlias, dahlia diseases and pests with remedies offered for these problems.  Also included are programs on planting, growing for pleasure and show, digging and dividing tubers and the propagation of dahlias. Our public outreach includes a tuber sale in the spring and dahlia show in the fall.  We also support other dahlia societies and gardening enthusiasts by sharing our program content.

2025 CCDS Volunteer Inquiry

We will e-mail volunteers in April with further details. Thank you for volunteering!

Meeting Information

Events & Meetings

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Growing Dahlias

Where to Begin

Join The Society

Or Renew Your Membership

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